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Holy shit

Wow, I haven't been blogged for a while. It just tells that I have done nothing that long. And am going to hibernate this year (having summer vacations next two weeks).

I wanted to get somewhat useful schema before writing some code for Monodoc. After getting lengthy xsd, I decided to write dtd2rng based on dtd2xsd (this silly design is because I cannot make Commons.Xml.Relaxng as System.Xml dependency) and got a smart boy. (Well, to just get converted grammar like this, you could use trang).

We are going to have Mono meeting in Tokyo next Monday. The details are not set yet, but if any of you are interested, please feel free to ask me the details. (it is likely to be just having dinner and drinking, heh).

Last month I went to Kyoto (Japan) with Dan (Mills, aka thunder) and found a nice holy shit:

holy shit

Unfortunately, I lost this religious treasure last week :-( I was pretty disappointed. It must be from I entered a Starbucks to I got on a train (I noticed that I lost it at that time). So I was wondering if I should ask those Starbucks partners like "didn't you guys see my shit here?" All my friends whom I asked for advice were saying I should do, so I ended up asking the partners.

"I might lost my cell accessory here."

"What colour was it?"

"Well, it was a golden cra..."

"Ok, please wait for a while"

... and then she went into staff room, and said there was no such one. After a few seconds of wondering if I should be more descriptive, but was reminded. Shame.
