System.Messaging implementation based on RabbitMQ binding

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Here I write about some of my recent commits. It does not mean I wrote all of those code. I often commit others' work.

Michael Barker posted a set of patches to implement System.Messaging.dll based on RabbitMQ client C# binding. He once posted a patch for the same purpose but based on different concept. So, it is not a short story, at least for him ;-)

Since MSMQ and JMS/AMQP-based servers have different concept in their designs, the implementation will not cover large part of the functionality that System.Messaging API, but it may be of help for some System.Messaging users.

Since we are not sure if we go with this implementation strategy, it is currently checked in to its own branch. What I personally want to see is some different implementations of its Mono.Messaging SPI, for example, based on Win32 API (I don't love it but probably it is the easiest to test the SPI). We welcome contribution here :)

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