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I decided to postpone /doc patch checkin (well, requesting approval and checkin) for a while (maybe two weeks or so), since there are many dangerous factors (many changes and breakage) for committing patches right now. Instead, I decided to create the complete patch for /doc (that implies no more significant changes intended).

But that also means, I have to add parser/tokenizer annoyance for CS1587 "XML comment is placed on an invalid language element which can not accept it." ... it is really annoying. Just for the support for that warning, my small patch increased 1.5 times larger than before. And since doc comment is not kind of token which can be recognized by the parser (it is not "error" to have those comments in improper code blocks), the task is mostly done by the tokenizer, and I need to keep track of token transition at a time. Having tokenization control code both in parser and in tokenizer is a bad idea, but there was no better way (there was a similar annoyance in XQuery parser).

Anyways, that CS1587 task is mostly done (I hope so). I still have to handle 'cref' related warnings, which are also annoyance.

It is still a mystery that such person that dislikes /doc feature is working on it (ah, but was ditto for XmlSchema ;-).

[19:30] I noticed that I had been making significant changes with related to the latest changes in mcs that makes my /doc patch mostly useless. Here's the latest patch.
