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rethinking element/attribute label collector

19:51 (alp) eno: dude, am never getting any expected attributes

... So, I missed the point that after RelaxngValidatingReader.Read(), my validation engine which is based on James Clark's derivative algorithm keeps the state only "after it closed the start tag" (i.e. startTagCloseDeriv in that paper) and thus no attributes must be allowed. Sigh. So, to implement attribute auto-completion, I had to expose state transition object that users can try "the state transition after an attribute occured" (i.e. attDeriv). So, now the code became more complicated than yesterday (well, it is required complexity):

XmlTextReader xtr = new XmlTextReader ("relaxng.rng"); RelaxngPattern p = RelaxngPattern.Read ( new XmlTextReader ("relaxng.rng")); RelaxngValidatingReader rvr = new RelaxngValidatingReader (xtr, p); TextWriter Out = Console.Out; for (; !rvr.EOF; rvr.Read ()) { object state = rvr.GetCurrentState (); Out.WriteLine ("Current node: {0} ({1}) -> {2}", rvr.Name, rvr.NodeType, rvr.Emptiable (state) ? "Emptiable" : "not Emptiable"); Out.WriteLine (" - expected elements -"); foreach (XmlQualifiedName qn in rvr.GetElementLabels (state)) { Out.WriteLine (" " + qn); object astate = rvr.AfterOpenStartTag ( state, qn.Name, qn.Namespace); Out.WriteLine (" - expected attributes -"); foreach (XmlQualifiedName aqn in rvr.GetAttributeLabels (astate)) Out.WriteLine (" " + aqn); } }

I put the code example (above), and the updated result.

So now RelaxngValidatingReader implicitly expects to the validating editor not to call .Read() until it closes the start tag. Instead, now each of the elements and attributes can hold the state at the node itself. (Am not sure it really works fine; I should consider cut/paste, insertion, and so on.)

BTW, personally I don't want to expose such features and requires "implementors" of RelaxngValidatingReader functionality to implement highly derivative-dependent features like this (that is bad for standardizng API). I won't recommend to learn this feature as long-live, good to know stuff. I am, on the other hand, expecting System.Xml 2.0 to have such functionality for XML Schema (IF Microsoft people can provide), but still don't think it's worthy of standardization.

On the next stage, I will have to implement some "error recovery" stuff so that users can enter invalid nodes and the implementation can still continue remaining validation.

Many thanks to Alp to try it out with his experimental UI stuff and to let me improve this library (I could also have chance to fix bugs and to optimize Commons.Xml.Relaxng stuff).
