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Who said that XmlDocument's XPathNavigator is not editable?

On implementing XML 2.0 bits, I noticed that I need something new in our implementation - such as subtree XmlReader from XmlReader, or XPathNavigator fragment reader. So there seems many interesting toys I have to implement.

In Microsoft's .NET Framerowk 2.0, XPathNavigator that is created from XmlNode is not derived from XPathEditableNavigator. It is not cool, since DOM is editable. So here I hacked a new toy named XPathEditableDocument that implements IXPathEditable and created from XmlDocument. Right now I just tried only a few members.

It can be used like:

XmlDocument doc = new XmlDocument (); doc.LoadXml ("<root/>"); XPathEditableDocument xp = new XPathEditableDocument (doc); XPathEditableNavigator nav = xp.CreateEditor ();

... and that XPathEditableNavigator can be (maybe ;-) used as usual. It is also runnable under MS.NET 2.0. This code contains a short testing driver, so comment them out before using it.

Am not sure if I am going to implement (well, test enough) other interfaces implemented in XPathDocument (such as IRevertibleChangeTracking), but it would be usable to implement some XPathEditableNavigator dependent part in XQuery implementation (well, it doesn't have to be dependent on that class though).

I also think that we can adapt this class in our XmlNode.CreateNavigator(). I There is little worry about breaking existing stable implementation. In this code, XmlDocumentEditableNavigator is mostly just wrapping internal XmlDocumentNavigator (mono's DocumentXPathNavigator). Of course, it can be supported only post-1.0.

I would like to recommend Microsoft XML guys to make XmlDocument as IXPathEditable like this way. It will make XPathEditableNavigator more stable (having two implementations is much better than having just one implementation, especially there are virtual members that is overridable by third parties). It doesn't have to be as complex as XPathDocument, by omitting some interfaces such as transaction support.
