July 2004 Archives

wandering around XPathDocument2

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After making XmlDocumentNavigator editable, today I was trying to create another XPathDocument based on another tree model like XOM... that will be editable in a few days (on the same way as shown in XmlDocumentEditableNavigator), but I hoped too much for today's XML toy. In fact the basic tree model is created nearly a week ago, so today I just added Load() and XPathNavigator implementation (though I had to modify the large part of the tree model). Right now it just implements IXPathNavigable (it won't be difficult though), and has some limitation (e.g. MoveToId() won't work right now).

In fact, at first I intended to create more useful document API like XOM for new XPathDocument, but I found that new XPathDocument had better be more simple implementation that is not kind for "users" (such like omitting parameter checks). Thus, the tree model now became so different from original XOM way.

Like MS one, this XPathNavigator is "a bit" faster than XmlDocumentNavigator, but it is not faster than our DTMXPathNavigator. I just tried only those navigation API used in XPathNavigatorReader, so on reverse axes it will be much faster than XmlDocumentNavigator.

This code is just two days' hack, so it might have many bugs. Well, yesterday's XPathNavigatorReader was so buggy and I've fixed many bugs in cvs.

sorry, today's toys are not so interesting ones

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I've checked today's toy in cvs; SubtreeXmlReader.cs. It is used to implement XmlReader.ReadSubtree().

After creating it, I felt sorry, since it is not interesting one. So today I made another subtree reader; XPathNavigatorReader.cs (for XPathNavigator.ReadSubtree()). It in fact used to be in cvs for a while (and moreover I made it more than 1 year ago), but it did not behave as a fragment reader.

Well, though they are based on 2.0 bits, they could be easily modified to be usable on 1.x. Once such modification is done, you could replace XmlReader.ReadSubtree() and XPathNavigator.ReadSubtree() with them for backward compatibility. They are also runnable under MS.NET.

Update [7/31]: The XPathNavigatorReader implementation was so buggy... so please pick the correct implementation up from mono cvs.

I've checked today's toy in cvs; SubtreeXmlReader.cs. It is used to implement XmlReader.ReadSubtree().

After creating it, I felt sorry, since it is not interesting one. So today I made another subtree reader; XPathNavigatorReader.cs (for XPathNavigator.ReadSubtree()). It in fact used to be in cvs for a while (and moreover I made it more than 1 year ago), but it did not behave as a fragment reader.

Well, though they are based on 2.0 bits, they could be easily modified to be usable on 1.x. Once such modification is done, you could replace XmlReader.ReadSubtree() and XPathNavigator.ReadSubtree() with them for backward compatibility. They are also runnable under MS.NET.

Update [7/31]: The XPathNavigatorReader implementation was so buggy... so please pick the correct implementation up from mono cvs.

how to disappear completely

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The day before yesterday, I wrote that XQuery 1.0 SchemaContextLoc will become obsolete soon. The same day W3C announced another new XQuery WD, which completely removed SchemaContextLoc from ValidateExpr. Wow. Am glad to know that and no sooner I did eliminate SchemaContext from my parser stuff (in my box yet). Such a niche functionality should be done by extensions, not by standard. Now everything in its right place.

Hmm, my last entry went under 7/25. So I wanted to insert noise here.

ACCS is kind of BSA in Japan. They reported that commercial records decreased $40,000,000 of sales in those 5 years, and it is because of Winny, a file sharing tool (that did not exist 5 years ago). They also said that there are 2,000,000 Winny users. Thus, at least every users had spent $1,000 in 5 years must have ceased to buy commercial records because of Winny. Wow!

It describes how reliable their staticsics are. If you found any literatures that reference their statistics, you had better advise them to find another ones. You can also rank such literatures by yourself.

Similarly, if any of you know any associates or statistics (latter would be preferable) in your country that are unreliable, please tell me. I decided to create a black list (mainly) for Japanese IP researchers.

Looking forward to XQuery 1.1

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Today I checked in my first XQuery parser stuff, with some hack on System.Xml.Query.XQueryCommand (in System.Data.SqlXml.dll). DISCLAIMER: It won't do anything other than parse ;-) I tried all the query examples contained in XQuery Use Cases, though it is still incomplete. Besides "fn:empty" function call, only 3 examples fail (The reason why fn:empty fails is like what this message appeals - empty() and empty(item) are still? ambiguous to my parser). I put those extracted examples here.

The next stage is to design static context model from current abstract syntax tree. And it will be concurrently done with kinda XPathItemIterator design. Other new XML 2.0 API might be implemented when I want to run away from XQuery I want to use them in XQuery implementation and/or I want to fill missing bits, as I have done in this month.

BTW, recently W3C published the updated working draft of XML Schema component designator. If you know XQuery, you will notice that the spec targets exactly as the same one as the terminal named SchemaContextLoc in XQuery 1.0. To me, it looks like the near future version of XQuery 1.x will replace that SchemaContextLoc part and XQuery 1.0 might soon get obsolete like http://www.w3.org/TR/WD-xsl in a few years (unless that Component Designator spec gets discarded).

Of course, that does not mean "it is no worth learning XQuery after publication of 1.0 spec". XQuery might be one of the most useful XML processing language. It just means that "some" schema-related part of XQuery would become obsolete. It is also true to XPath 2.0 and thus XSLT 2.0.

One possibility is that the component designator spec work soon gets W3C recommendation status, and XQuery 1.0 uses that spec. That would be nice, but early implementation of XQuery will be still unstable then.

on MS Compatibility or W3C Conformance

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My recent flamatory on MS/W3C conflict went to xml.com article (yes, what I wanted is not only talking about XmlTextReader). No sooner I got response from Dare Obasanjo (Microsoft XML PM) via Miguel. And I found the Microsoft feedback page is enough cool to view others' bug reports. I filed that matter, but no sooner I got quicker reply from the development team from Dare. I believe Miguel is on the right way and I'd like to be cool as he drew. I'd expect that MS guys would have taken (or would take) the same way on SAX.NET project they had commented.

Oh, BTW I am not a "W3C God" believer (as shown in the excerpt in xml.com or even on Dare's weblog; I had been afraid of being said as such). People should note that it is also ECMA CLI specification. (No need to worry about XmlCDataSection; XmlDocument is not part of ECMA CLI).

Anyways that bug won't be fixed under MS.NET because (as Dare posted to the mono-devel-list; well, its maybe waiting for approval) Microsoft customers might have already been dependent on this bug (as Ian already shown). So I'll fix by providing MS compatibility mode or Mono improved mode - yes, finally none of W3C standard conformance situation was solved here.

documentation patch delayed

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Roughly three months ago I wrote /doc support patch for mcs. For several reason, it is still not in cvs. The patch is not a small one, so we could not incorporate the patch before mono 1.0 release. I had no trouble keeping the patch in my working mcs for those months, bug we didn't want to add unstability. After 1.0, Miguel asked me to check the patch into cvs. So I posted the patch to the list (recent one). Sadly to say, the next day it broke strongname signing. I could not find where the problem lay, and it got working one day later. So I decided not to check in now and wait for a while.

I started .NET 2.0 XML tasks. It is my primary task until 1.2 release.


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Pablo (tetsuo) asked that why am not blogging. Well, I am ;-) but haven't posted for a while. Now am switching to lameblog.

I want to write about some lightweight tasks that is however a bit important. These cpl months we had to fix core individual classes such as System.Decimal that needed fixes. I also touched a few classes such as System.DateTime and System.Uri mostly for the first time. I felt that those classes can be rewritten for performance and v2.0 compatibility. I didn't such optimization since it needs more time than we could spend, and it's not time to make them unstable.

  • In System.DateTime, there are many Substring() (mostly Substring (1)) that internally creates many string instances.
  • More or less ditto for System.Uri. System.Uri design can be more rational. In v2.0 we also have to handle relative URI construction.

I just put two examples, but there should be more.

Mono (still) also have not a little tasks to do. For example, our CultureInfo is not complete. That is mostly culture-specific matter, but there are more general problems, such as DateTime above and Calendar integration (how DateTime.Parse() should work against calendar-specific day and month names; how calendar-specific DayNames should be checked against different year/month/day count such in ThaiBuddhistCalendar (here I wish there were hackers from Thailand ;-).

If any of you want to help, please let us know.

Yesterday was "tanabata" in Japan; People wrote their wishes on cards and put them on bamboo. Rupert also did:

rupert on bamboo